
Dose sitemap include index page?

xcatliu opened this issue · 10 comments


When I use this plugin to generate sitemap, it seems that the sitemap doesn't include the index page.

For example, http://js-index.com/sitemap.xml doesn't have http://js-index.com/index.html including.

Is it a bug or a feature?

Normally, we have only one index page which is the root page, in this case, the problem is harmless, because search engine should easily know there is a root page.

However, I have multi index page, e.g. http://js-index.com/en/index.html and http://js-index.com/zh-CN/index.html, so should I add these pages to sitemap.xml manually? Or there is any better ideas?

When I start the command 'npm install hexo-generator-feed --save',it has problem,How can I do to selove this?

npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@1.0.15
hexo-generator-sitemap@1.1.2 node_modules\hexo-generator-sitemap
├── object-assign@4.1.0
├── minimatch@3.0.3 (brace-expansion@1.1.6)
└── nunjucks@2.5.2 (asap@2.0.5, yargs@3.32.0, chokidar@1.6.1)

@gdutxiaoxu WARN can be ignored
And please open another issue if your question does not relate to this issue

The index.html is ignored by default, as the http://js-index.com/index.html and the http://js-index.com/ are same.

mrttl commented

Hello, I have started using this plugin but like the comments above, is there a way of removing index.html from the page URL within the feed?

@mrttl Correct me if I'm wrong, I think you are talking about the https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed

mrttl commented

hi @NoahDragon No it´s the sitemap that shows foo/index.html, feeds works just fine :)

mrttl commented

@NoahDragon that was the first one I tried but Google Webmaster Tools gives me a few warnings when it tries to use the sitemaps, so changed it for this one and passed no problems, but then I have index.html after the URL, also does not have tags or categories.

@mrttl You are right, this plugin doesn't support tags and categories. I think this issue relate to hexojs/hexo#1306 , and it is planned to fix. Close this issue as we are off topic, please open new one if need more discuss.