
Vecty needs an official website

0xhiro opened this issue · 10 comments

Bringing this up because, why not?

Willing to contribute in any way i can to make this happen. Let's build an official website for vecty using vecty.

I built a vecty webpage recently and I am hosting it via github pages. Here's the source in case it helps you in any way:

Webpage: https://soypat.github.io/
Source: https://github.com/soypat/soypat.github.io

I mean an official website with documentation, and reference to websites built with vecty. A source of truth for everything vecty. Would go a long way.

Especially the documentation. Something like vugu.org

@slimsag It'd be great to get some input from you on how to proceed with this endeavour. I'd love to see vecty get some well deserved love. See also comment #280 (comment)

@soypat how can i reach you? Can i email you?

You may reach me in the gophers slack as Patricio Whittingslow (here's an invite: https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/), I'll probably answer you faster through here than through email, which you may find on my github profile

I'm open to adding contributors/maintainers to this repository. If someone wants to volunteer and has some reputable Go experience (don't want to add anyone that could be malicious), then yYou can reach me on Discord slimsag#2321

I've since added @soypat as a contributor to help keep the spirit of Vecty alive and well :) I am open to adding a few more contributors if they make meaningful contributions to the project, or otherwise have a solid standing with the Go community etc.

For anyone who wishes to contribute specifically to the Vecty website, I'd suggest starting by making a repository (using Vecty of course) which would be the website itself, with some docs, etc. Propose that here, and then if it looks good to others we can host it on GitHub pages and point https://vecty.io at it.

Awesome! I'll create a repository and show updates here