
Can't login to WebUI when using Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

fufihiuse opened this issue · 7 comments

Not accepting usernames/passwords of accounts, even ones specifically created for this purpose

It seems like it may just not be redirecting to the admin pane, as going straight to /admin/ works. However, that also works on devices that I have no logged in on. On top of this, under profiles it tells me that "No profiles are available; check internet connectivity and refresh the profile list." I don't know if this is a fluke, or if the Docker setup is royally messed up but I'd appreciate help if possible.

Possibly this

Another link

I looked into that, and it's already set to sha512

Can you please share the docker run command you are using to run the image?

Can you please share the docker run command you are using to run the image?

is have the same problem and i use this

export MINEOS_UN=mc
read -s MINEOS_PW
export MINEOS_PW

 docker run -td \
--name=mineos \
-p 8443:8443 \
-p 25565:25565 \
-v mineos:/var/games/minecraft \
--restart=unless-stopped \

and i have exec'ed ind to the container to see if its there and it is.

only error i cant find is.

root@9b38a5e2a623:/# cat /var/log/mineos.auth.log 
Fri Aug 25 2023 15:10:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) - failure from: user: mc
Fri Aug 25 2023 15:15:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) - failure from: user: mc

This seems to be a issue with the latest tag being stale, and not including this commit/fix regarding the sha256/yescrypt hashing function used inside of the container. You can try building the image yourself by following the Makefile, or you can use my image

I just tested this with my image using the following, and it did not have the same behavior as was described and I saw with the hexparrot/mineos:latest image:

docker run \
-p 8443:8443 \

@brandonmcclure i exec'ed ind and created at new user inside the container at that worked, will not call it a fix. but it got the job done :)