
Server not starting with version 1.21 on Docker

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Download profile 1.21
Change profile to 1.21 in Server Actions. Change profile in Java Settings to minecraft_server.1.21.jar
Click "Accept EULA", Accept EULA, and then "Start" button.

Server does not start. There is noting in the logs.

I also have this problem:
Probably would be fixed with #544

Using MineOS on a Truenas scale Application.
MineOS says commit/b6e0d1e (under username drop down)
Truenas Chart Version: 1.0.20

I tried new install of 1.21 as well as upgrading new/working 1.20.4 to 1.21: Nothing in the mineos latest/log; notification (under Bell) says "start success a few seconds ago")
In system log: When the start button is pressed two lines show up like:

2024-07-06 20:03:26.749913-04:002024-07-07 00:03:26,749 INFO reaped unknown pid 567
2024-07-06 20:03:42.472950-04:002024-07-07 00:03:42,472 INFO reaped unknown pid 595

At Minecraft (MC) Server download, I found that MC 1.21 says it needs Java 21 (not quite sure my MineOS MC1.20.4 works on Java17?)

I updated my container with Java 21 using:
apt-get update
apt install openjdk-21-jre-headless

This worked and MineOS still was able to run 1.21 and still run 1.20.4.

Is this not being updated because MineOS does not have a way to select Java Versions and there is a use case of being backward compatible to some version that does not work with the Latest Java Version? I

Thank you for any help.