
Server not start on Mineos after crash

achencraft opened this issue · 2 comments


I have a minecraft server on spigot 1.14.
This server worked correctly in MineOs before we crash it with worldedit (too big //cut ...)

Since this event, we can't start the server from MineOs Webui.

If I run this command on debian, the minecraft server starts correctly :
/usr/bin/java -Xmx2000M -Xms256M -jar spigot-1.14.jar

But nothing in MineOs :/

Someone has an idea to resolve this problem ?


Most common cause for this is inadvertently running the Minecraft server as a non-mc user, such as root.

This changes ownership of many of the server files, making it unrunnable as mc as it once was. Verify with ls -la /var/games/minecraft/servers/servername. All files should be owned by mc:mc, if not, chown it back and try again.

Hi !
Ok so I check files permissions

servers was owned by mc user
but archive/profiles/backup ... directory by root

So I change it to mc user, and it works.

I will explain to my partner what was his mistake :)
Thank you !