
hexpm/elixir:1.13.1-erlang-24.2-alpine-3.14.3 image is missing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

hoyon commented

#103 bumped the 3.14.x alpine version to 3.14.3 but this image doesn't seem to be built.

I can see 1.13.1-erlang- and 1.13.1-erlang-24.2-alpine-3.14.2 on dockerhub but not 1.13.1-erlang-24.2-alpine-3.14.3.

It seems there are no images for alpine 3.14.3 with erlang 24.x for any elixir version.

We don't rebuild for Alpine 3.14.3 if we already have a build for 3.14.2, otherwise we have to rebuild all OTP and Elixir versions for every patch version bump.

hoyon commented

Cool that make sense. Thanks for the quick response!

I'll have to look into manually building the image we need.