
Support for Amazon Linux

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, we're running Elixir on AWS EC2 with Amazon Linux as the base OS. Would you consider adding support for this OS to Bob?

Adding a new OS requires building thousands of images so it's something we want to hold off with until there are enough that need it. Please add a thumbs up 👍 to this issue if you want docker images based on Amazon Linux.

As a related note, we want to make it possible for Bob to build images on demand instead of building thousands of images preemptively that may never be used. The idea is that you would go onto https://bob.hex.pm select the specific images you need, with OS, erlang, and elixir versions, Bob builds them and notifies you when it's done. This way we reduce the resource usage of Bob and can support more and less popular base OSes.

This is of course some work to implement and not high on the priority list for the Hex team so it's not on the roadmap right now but if someone wants to work on this please get in touch and we can start fleshing out the details.

Thanks for the reply! Makes sense, though it seems I'll be better off contributing to the "build-on-demand" project than waiting for enough thumbs up. It's a cool project and the fact that it's not high on the priority actually fits my schedule. So please sign me up and let me know how we can get the ball rolling.