
It is set to 120fps, but it is not reflected.

reindex-ot opened this issue · 6 comments

I am sure that the description is correct, but does it mean that it is not recognized unless it is UTF-8?

It's a bug, please use 3.4

There was still a symptom that 120 fps was not reflected in 緋染天空(Heaven Burns Red)...(;_;)

@reindex-ot I need more details

Max framerate 77.
04-14 00:33:46.701 14777 14803 D UnityFPSUnlocker: ***** begin *****
04-14 00:33:46.701 14777 14803 D UnityFPSUnlocker: set_targetFrameRate: 77
04-14 00:33:46.701 14777 14803 D UnityFPSUnlocker: ***** finished *****
04-14 00:33:47.814 15181 15214 D UnityFPSUnlocker: ***** begin *****
04-14 00:33:47.814 15181 15214 D UnityFPSUnlocker: Failed, not support this game.
04-14 00:34:10.369 23384 23395 D UnityFPSUnlocker: [UnityFPSUnlocker][arm64] Starting...
04-14 00:34:10.369 23384 23395 D UnityFPSUnlocker: delay: 7 | framerate: 77 | modify_opcode: 0
04-14 00:34:17.369 23384 23395 D UnityFPSUnlocker: ***** begin *****
04-14 00:34:17.369 23384 23395 D UnityFPSUnlocker: set_targetFrameRate: 77
04-14 00:34:17.370 23384 23395 D UnityFPSUnlocker: ***** finished *****


update TargetList.json

thx hexstr!