
Missing link in InterProScan Readme.md

Opened this issue · 4 comments

the official documentation
The link is on Google Code which dead.
Probably the code was originally hosted there and shifted to Github on closure and they missed to convert inner links.

Oh, you mean the interproscan image. This is .. not exactly a functional image, I haven't worked on it in a long time. I will update the link if and when I ever get around to making that image work, but it is not a high priority.

Sorry for the "Me too!" but I'd also be interested in whether or not you get this working; commenting to begin following this thread.

I couldn't find the base image versions that the interproscan team tests against are listed on their wiki, but I'm having glib issues on my cluster and thought it was worth looking for any existing docker images. I'm sure they'd comment if asked.

@kastman I looked at it for a second here, it definitely looks possible, but I do not think it is possible to dockerize the lookup service due to the 98 Gb of data that has to be downloaded. If just the interpro software using the public lookup service meets your needs, then I'll try and find some time this week to build images for it, it shouldn't be too hard.

Sir I would like to have a system that uses public lookup service.