
Is this project depreciated now that a official Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS is available?

theDude823 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Is this project depreciated now that a official Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS is available?

No. Tailwind's first party plugin doesn't work with Prettier, so there's still a place for this.

No. Tailwind's first party plugin doesn't work with Prettier, so there's still a place for this.

It does work with Prettier because it is a plugin for it.

Is this project deprecated now that a official Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS is available?

I'd say it was abandoned by it's creator and probably not actively maintained anymore. As I mentioned on another issue, I personally started using eslint-plugin-tailwindcss instead od headwind since it is activelly maintained and supports all of the latest features from core.

Anyone else coming here after having issues with this plugin, I ended up replacing Headwind with ESLint+Prettier :
https://github.com/tailwindlabs/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss for class order formatting
https://github.com/francoismassart/eslint-plugin-tailwindcss for linting