
support for prefix? (not the responsive kind)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

In my projects I mix bootstrap with tailwind so as per recommendations I configured my tailwind.config.js to use a prefix: tw-

I've noticed that Headwind doesn't sort my tailwind classes, I mean it will do some alphabetical sorting but it won't apply the nice sorting that is meant to be provided

For example

bg-red-500 container mx-auto text-white

gets sorted to

container mx-auto text-white bg-red-500


tw-bg-red-500 container tw-mx-auto tw-text-white

doesn't get sorted to

container tw-mx-auto tw-text-white tw-bg-red-500

instead it gets sorted to

container tw-bg-red-500 tw-mx-auto tw-text-white

Could you possibly add support for using a prefix please ?https://tailwindcss.com/docs/configuration/#prefix

Or if it's already possible, I think it should be made clearer how to set the configuration in order to have it work with a prefix

If you need to test with prefixes this tool is handy https://github.vue.tailwind-prefix.cbass.dev/


@langfeld @heybourn thank you very much for adding this!

Can we use it yet? I see that the latest available version in VSCode is 1.6.5 which was added 2 months ago.. do you have to tag a new release?

And will this pick up the tailwind prefix from the tailwind.config.js file or do we have to specify it manually?

The PR merged solved the issue, you just need to add headwind.customTailwindPrefix to your settings. This issue can be closed.

  "headwind.customTailwindPrefix": "tw-"

@alesso-x Hello.. I wanted to say that I did add "headwind.customTailwindPrefix": "tw-" to my settings but it still isn't working.

It will order tw-bg-red-500 container tw-mx-auto tw-text-white to container tw-bg-red-500 tw-mx-auto tw-text-white

But it should be ordering it to container tw-mx-auto tw-text-white tw-bg-red-500

It basically is ignoring the prefixed tailwind classes.. am I missing something?