
Kentico unit tests throw null reference exception when ASP.NET Core 6 project has this nuget package installed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

A null reference exception is thrown when running unit tests with the test class inheriting from the Kentico libraries test base class 'UnitTests' and referencing an ASP.NET CORE 6 project with this NuGet package installed.

    public class Tests : UnitTests
        public void Test1()

This exception will not get thrown when removing this Nuget package from the ASP.NET CORE 6 project.
Hotfix version: 13.0.68

Thank you @ttlaare . I'll take a look at this.

Hiya @ttlaare , this issue is fixed in v13.0.7. It was caused by the module trying to initialize with a null configuration parameter.


Here's the PR.

Will you let me know if it works for you?

Hi @heywills. Unit tests are running successfully now, so this is issue is fixed. Thanks!