
Random logouts and unable to log back in unless I clear cookies

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Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

Getting random logouts, at least one per day. Also, after the random logout, the button to login in malformed and clicking it opens the account modal but login is does not occur because the action does not send any transaction to my web3 wallet for me to sign. Only solution is to clear the hey.xyz cookies and refresh the page.

Expected Behavior

No random logouts. No issues to log back in.

Steps To Reproduce

N/A. Happens randomly and with no particular. Sometimes when I click on Home button, sometimes when I click to read a post, sometimes when I click to post something.

What platform(s) does this occur on?


What browser(s) does this occur on?


Anything else?

This is not new. It has been happening for weeks. I just found the time to report it now.