
Quick question walktrap

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I have a GGM that i estimated with ggm-modelselect and I would like to use EGAnet to search for clusters in my network.
Is there any chance to import that network?

When i tried using cluster_walktrap in igraph it said: "Weight vector must be non-negative"
But isnt it the same same algorithm as in your package? Because when I used EGA with my original data it also estimated a network with negative edges and clustering worked. So I am a bit confused now.

Thank you for your time!


At this time, we don't implement the functionality to import networks that are estimated using other methods.

To obtain community detection results from {igraph}, you should use the absolute values of the network. So, something like: your_communities <- cluster_walktrap(EGAnet::convert2igraph(abs(your_network)))

When plotting the network, you can use your original network (your_network) and the communities identified using the absolute values of the network (your_communities$wc).

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