
add user-defined `wc` to `itemStability` and `dimensionStability`

Closed this issue · 5 comments

what the title says

It's like you can read my mind....

Excellent idea! You can name the new field "psycholexics"!

Seems like this capability might already be present in version; however, it's definitely present in https://github.com/hfgolino/EGAnet/tree/major-changes

Here's an example:

# Load package

# Bootstrap EGA
boot <- bootEGA(
  data = wmt2[,7:24],
  type = "parametric", iter = 500,
  plot.typicalStructure = FALSE

# Item Stability
  boot, IS.plot = TRUE,
  structure = c( # this structure is nonsense (merely for example)
    rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5),
    rep(3, 5), rep(4, 2),

With output:

> # Bootstrap EGA
> boot <- bootEGA(
+   data = wmt2[,7:24],
+   type = "parametric", iter = 500,
+   plot.typicalStructure = FALSE
+ )
/ [====================] 100% elapsed: 18s ~remaining:  0s
> # Item Stability
> itemStability(
+   boot, IS.plot = TRUE,
+   structure = c(
+     rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5),
+     rep(3, 5), rep(4, 2),
+     5
+   )
+ )
EGA Type: EGA 
Bootstrap Samples: 500 (Parametric)

Proportion Replicated in Empirical Dimensions:

 wmt1  wmt2  wmt3  wmt4  wmt5  wmt6  wmt7  wmt8  wmt9 wmt10 
1.000 1.000 1.000 0.896 0.974 0.650 0.514 0.484 0.426 0.644 
wmt11 wmt12 wmt13 wmt14 wmt15 wmt16 wmt17 wmt18 
0.414 0.566 0.548 0.588 0.614 0.026 0.034 0.000 

Note that, for effect, singleton communities (wmt18) work (#99)

Closing with future merge from: https://github.com/hfgolino/EGAnet/tree/major-changes