hforay's Stars
Source code for Multicriteria Portfolio Construction with Python
An exercise similar to Fama, French (2010). Goal is to identify and evaluate the luck vs skill of active managers.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Implementations of ML deep learning models for stock trading and mutual funds trend predictions.
Prediction of rating for a mutual fund organization
mutual funds rating regression notebook
Mutual Fund App is use to display Rating, 1 year returns, AUM, Expense Ratio of various funds. Live at:
The goal of this to predict rating of a mutual fund. In order to help investors decide on which mutual fund to pick for an investment, the task is to build a model that can predict the rating of a mutual fund.
Machine Learning and AI hackathon
To predict the rating of mutual funds in the US
Mutual Fund rating predictor - Grand Hackathon
To predict GreatStone’s rating of a mutual fund. In order to help investors decide on which mutual fund to pick for an investment, the task is to build a model that can predict the rating of a mutual fund. The various attributes that define a mutual fund can be used for building the model.
Created a portfolio of all mutual fund data in the past 20 years that were in the top 10% and bottom 10% in returns in the previous quarter. Analyzed how those stocks performed in the following period in both value-weighted and equally-weighted scenarios.