Lost compatibility with QE 6.1
fspiga opened this issue · 7 comments
what if I want to run again xconfigure with QE 6.1? It was possible in the past I believe, not it fails.
Thanks -- FS
Hello Filippo,
I will look at this and perhaps reintroduce compatibility with QE 6.1.
Thank you, much appreciate. I have a dump of xconfigure in one working directory so I can somehow replicate the work. it will be nice to tag the commit that still work on QE-6.1 just to keep some backward compatibility alive.
I cannot reproduce lost compatibility. I did the following:
wget http://www.qe-forge.org/gf/download/frsrelease/240/1075/qe-6.1.tar.gz
tar xvf qe-6.1.tar.gz
cd qe-6.1
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/hfp/xconfigure/raw/master/configure-get.sh
chmod +x configure-get.sh
./configure-get.sh qe
source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017/linux/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
make pw -j48
Then ls -1 bin/
Building just pw.x
is for the sake of this test although some elements do not build with make
(all), which I consider unrelated to XCONFIGURE.
Forgot to mention, that I have ELPA-2017.05.003 built and located parallel to the QE folder. See my latest note: http://xconfigure.readthedocs.io/qe/README/#note (2017.11.001 does not work).
I tried to replicate your instructions (and used ELPA 2017.05.003), this is what I obtain
$ make pw
test -d bin || mkdir bin
( cd FFTXlib ; make TLDEPS= all || exit 1 )
make[1]: Entering directory `/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/FFTXlib'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/FFTXlib'
cd install ; make -f extlibs_makefile liblapack
make[1]: Entering directory `/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/install'
touch fake_liblapack.a
rm fake_liblapack.a
make[1]: Leaving directory `/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/install'
( cd LAXlib ; make TLDEPS= all || exit 1 )
make[1]: Entering directory `/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/LAXlib'
mpiifort -O2 -align array64byte -threads -heap-arrays 4096 -xCORE-AVX512 -qopt-zmm-usage=high -fp-model fast=2 -complex-limited-range -assume byterecl -qopenmp -nomodule -qopenmp -fpp -D__OPENMP -D__DFTI -D__NON_BLOCKING_SCATTER -D__EXX_ACE -D__MPI -D__SCALAPACK -D__ELPA_2017 -I/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/intel/2017.4/compilers_and_libraries_2017.4.196/linux/mkl/include/fftw -I/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/intel/2017.4/compilers_and_libraries_2017.4.196/linux/mkl/include -I/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/../elpa/default-skx-omp/include/elpa/modules -I/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1//include -I../include/ -I/opt/intel/mkl/ -I/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/../elpa/default-skx-omp/include/elpa/modules -I../ELPA/src -c dspev_drv.f90
ifort: command line warning #10006: ignoring unknown option '-qopt-zmm-usage=high'
dspev_drv.f90(656): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [ELPA1]
use elpa1
dspev_drv.f90(708): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [GET_ELPA_ROW_COL_COMMS]
ierr = get_elpa_row_col_comms(ortho_comm, my_prow, my_pcol,mpi_comm_rows, mpi_comm_cols)
dspev_drv.f90(709): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [ELPA_SOLVE_EVP_REAL_1STAGE_DOUBLE]
success = elpa_solve_evp_real_1stage_double(n, n, s, lds, w, vv, lds, SIZE(s,2), nb, mpi_comm_rows, mpi_comm_cols, ortho_comm)
compilation aborted for dspev_drv.f90 (code 1)
make[1]: *** [dspev_drv.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/rds/project/hpc/rds-hpc-support/fs395/QE/qe-6.1/LAXlib'
make: *** [libla] Error 1
Hmm, this looks like the ELPA1 module is still not present/found. Did you ran corresponding configure steps for ELPA and QE e.g., ./configure-qe-skx-omp.sh
and ./configure-elpa-skx-omp.sh
? Please note, the omp
in both cases. ( Of course, the above configures are happening in each of the respective folders. )
Yes, ELPA is present and I used the correct version and I run the skx-omp
$ ls -altr
total 26348
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fs395 fs395 982399 Nov 8 12:13 elpa-2017.05.003.tar.gz
drwx--S--- 7 fs395 fs395 4096 Feb 16 08:44 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fs395 fs395 25974995 Feb 16 08:45 qe-6.1.tar.gz
drwxrwsr-x 3 fs395 fs395 4096 Feb 16 09:09 elpa
drwxrwsr-x 5 fs395 fs395 4096 Feb 16 09:09 .
drwxr-sr-x 16 fs395 fs395 4096 Feb 16 09:17 elpa-2017.05.003
drwxrwsr-x 29 fs395 fs395 4096 Feb 16 09:26 qe-6.1
I am using IFORT 17.0.4 20170411 and Intel MPI Version 2017 Update 3 Build 20170405