
Auto account creation

ouxs-19 opened this issue · 2 comments

Because most ctfs use ctfd, I believe it is conceivable to have the bot establish an account for that ctf (assuming it uses ctfd).

This will also necessitate the addition of configuration for the email address that will be used in the registration process, as well as any other information that may be required (depends on what the registration requires). 

Thanks Oussama, this was already added in f508fb3.
On my test guild, it works properly without any bugs, but I've seen it failing in CE server, I'll investigate the issue, I also appreciate any help in reproducing the bug.

For now, it only supports registrations with the 3 default fields: username, email and password, but people can add custom fields in CTFd. Furthermore, this will of course fail in the presence of ReCaptcha.

Regarding CTFs that require email confirmation, we should implement that feature as well, it's easy to do with Gmail.

Should be fixed in 5870207.