
Pulsar fails on certain PCAP files

mlucas300 opened this issue · 2 comments


I have tested Pulsar on 2 PCAP files: one 3.9 GB (https://download.netresec.com/pcap/maccdc-2011/maccdc2011_00010_20110312194033.pcap.gz) and one 1.4 GB (not publicly available). The smaller one runs to completion but the larger one does not, with the following error:

Error in intI(i, n = x@Dim[1], dn[[1]], give.dn = FALSE) :
index larger than maximal 0
Calls: loadPrismaData ... callGeneric -> eval -> eval -> [ -> [ -> subCsp_rows -> intI
Execution halted
Error during clustering (not enough data?)
Cluster file not generated: ~/Documents/Fuzzing/pulsar/models/maccdc2011/maccdc2011.cluster
Exiting learning module...

Larger file output:

> # reading arguments
> cmd_args<- commandArgs(TRUE)
> prisma_dir<-cmd_args[1]
> capture_dir<-cmd_args[2]
> clusters_file<-cmd_args[3]
> nmf_ncomp<-cmd_args[4]
> print(cmd_args)
[1] "modules/PRISMA/R"                                                          
[2] "~/Documents/Fuzzing/pulsar/models/maccdc2011/maccdc2011"        
[3] "~/Documents/Fuzzing/pulsar/models/maccdc2011/maccdc2011.cluster"
[4] "0"                                                                         
> # store the current directory
> initial_dir<-getwd()
> # load necessary libraries
> # library(PRISMA)
> library(Matrix)
> # change to prisma src dir and load scripts
> setwd(prisma_dir) 
> source("prisma.R")
> source("dimensionEstimation.R")
> source("matrixFactorization.R") 
> setwd(initial_dir)
> # load the dataset
> data = loadPrismaData(capture_dir)
Reading data...
Splitting ngrams...
Calc indices...
Setup matrix...
to check: 2 
Error in intI(i, n = x@Dim[1], dn[[1]], give.dn = FALSE) : 
  index larger than maximal 0
Calls: loadPrismaData ... callGeneric -> eval -> eval -> [ -> [ -> subCsp_rows -> intI
Execution halted
Error during clustering (not enough data?)
Cluster file not generated: ~/Documents/Fuzzing/pulsar/models/maccdc2011/maccdc2011.cluster
Exiting learning module...

Smaller file output:

 > # reading arguments
> cmd_args<- commandArgs(TRUE)
> prisma_dir<-cmd_args[1]
> capture_dir<-cmd_args[2]
> clusters_file<-cmd_args[3]
> nmf_ncomp<-cmd_args[4]
> print(cmd_args)
[1] "modules/PRISMA/R"                                              
[2] ~/Documents/Fuzzing/pulsar/models/test/test"        
[3] "~/Documents/Fuzzing/pulsar/models/test/test.cluster"
[4] "0"                                                             
> # store the current directory
> initial_dir<-getwd()
> # load necessary libraries
> # library(PRISMA)
> library(Matrix)
> # change to prisma src dir and load scripts
> setwd(prisma_dir) 
> source("prisma.R")
> source("dimensionEstimation.R")
> source("matrixFactorization.R") 
> setwd(initial_dir)
> # load the dataset
> data = loadPrismaData(capture_dir)
Reading data...
Splitting ngrams...
Calc indices...
Setup matrix...
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> # estimate number of components
> #dim = calcEstimateDimension(data$unprocessed)
> #cat("Estimated dimension:", estimateDimension(dim), "\n")
> #ncomp = estimateDimension(dim)
> dimension = estimateDimension(data)
> ncomp <- dimension[[2]]
> if (ncomp == 0) {
+     ncomp <- strtoi(nmf_ncomp)
+ }
> print (ncomp)
[1] 26
> # find NMF decomposition
> pmf = prismaNMF(data, ncomp)
Error: 769.1271 
Error: 732.2996 
Error: 728.6931 
Error: 703.4451 
Error: 703.8828 
Error: 705.781 
Error: 688.984 
Error: 688.8207 
> #compute and write clusters to a file
> clusters = calcDatacluster(pmf)
> write.table(clusters, clusters_file, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
Colouring 21 states:

Hi @mlucas300, both files are for sure large enough but, do they contain traffic only between two unique IP:PORTs? If not, try to filter the communication channel you are interested in by using tcpdump and try again.

Hi mlucas300, Have you tried what @hgascon has suggested to you to maintain a set of unique source and destination ip address along with unique ports. Have you succeeded in implementing it? I got stuck here in my implementation.