
Error in 1:ncol(data) : argument of length 0

muginekoo opened this issue · 2 comments

I am going to use pulsar to learn a model with pcap file. I have a test2.pcap in the dir of pulsar and when I am going to python pulsar.py -l -p test2.pcap
The below exception raised:


load the dataset
data = loadPrismaData(capture_dir)
data = loadPrismaData(capture_dir, skipFeatureCorrelation=TRUE)
Reading data...
Splitting ngrams...
Calc indices...
Setup matrix...
Error in 1:ncol(data) : argument of length 0
Calls: loadPrismaData ... preprocessPrismaData -> duplicateRemover -> sapply -> lapply
Execution halted
Error during clustering (not enough data?)
Cluster file not generated: /home/mjy/pulsar/models/test2/test2.cluster
Exiting learning module...

And the test pcap are here.

Are intermediate files created? There seem to be a problem with the prisma module.

Some intermediate files were creared. I tried to use different pcap files and seemed to solve it. (I guess there may not be enough information in the previous file.)