TextSearch bug
ruijiexie opened this issue · 6 comments
Quick start guide . Songs library
Only change ArtistName = "The Beatles" to ArtistName = "周杰伦"
t.TextSearch("SongsText").Block("周杰伦") can't find anything
Textsearch need to support for encoding
Utf8 is supported
If u have symbol encoding wider than that, please, make your own text transformations to Utf8 scheme, before putting it to the search algorithm
DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArraySerializator = (object o) => { return NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(o).To_UTF8Bytes(); };
DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArrayDeSerializator = (byte[] bt, Type t) => { return NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize(t, bt.UTF8_GetString()); };
save utf8 encoding , but t.TextSearch("SongsText").Block("jazz") Block parameter is not support utf8
Will try to understand what you mean. But the best would be to provide a code example.
Show in the code how you store data and how you search. I must be sure it is done correctly. We internally got a software translation portal based on DBreeze Text Search, minimum 8 languages under support. All works so far.