model assignment on multiple tpus
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I was wondering if there is a way to create multiple tflite interpreters so that I can assign and run multiple tpu models accordingly
(as outlined in:
Could you please let me know if there is a way to run multiple models on different tpus?
Thanks in advance
🤩 oh... I got to know this time.
I don't have USB-type edgeTPU.
It's a feature I want to test. When I'm done with what I'm doing now, I'll buy it and test it.
I see. It appears that "pci:" will let you choose the TPUs if you have the pci version.
I wonder if that will let me switch between my m.2 TPUs, which supposedly have 2 TPUs per chip.
🤩 oh... I got to know this time.
I don't have USB-type edgeTPU.
It's a feature I want to test. When I'm done with what I'm doing now, I'll buy it and test it.