
Create Installation guide

Opened this issue · 34 comments

Could you write some documentation about your project and installation guide?

+1, I would love to contribute to this project but I have no idea how to get started, a simple quick start guide would be very helpful

+1, I'm interested in developing this project, so if it is possible to create a guide or someting else that would be nice @typicalMoves

x4mG commented

yeah +1 please bro @typicalMoves

@Szylekk19 How did you manage to do it? Could you make a step by step tutorial on how to create it please?

hello all. sorry for the untimely reply, this project hasn't been of much interest to me for quite some time, and i've completely lost the development environment i was using. i've since realised a couple of things..
A) this repo is the first result on google when searching "wot offline server" and,
B) this is not all my code. afaik it was made by a fellow named "izeberg" (or something similar) who has, since, removed almost all of his projects publicly.

with that being said, I'm not even sure what version of WoT this is for. it surely isn't the most current version. I could try updating it, as it seems a few people are interested in it. give me a week or so I'll see what I can do if you're still around.

for now, all you need to do is make sure you have python 2.7 installed and run the build scripts. it should produce a .wotmod file for you to stick in ur mods folder. though im certain i tried it and it won't load. it also requires an api mod of sorts. will update here with more details when they become available.

+1, I'm interested in developing this project, so if it is possible to create a guide or someting else that would be nice @typicalMoves

clone the project. if you have python knowledge, please let me know.

one final update, it works with 0.9.22, the final update before 1.0 in 2018.

Hi @hi-skittles

I managed to compile both observer and hangar mods.
When I connect to wargaming, i'm put to hangar but can't select tank nor perform basic tasks.
Everywhere there are messages saying that the connection to the server couldn't be established.

Any ideas?

hello all. sorry for the untimely reply, this project hasn't been of much interest to me for quite some time, and i've completely lost the development environment i was using. i've since realised a couple of things.. A) this repo is the first result on google when searching "wot offline server" and, B) this is not all my code. afaik it was made by a fellow named "izeberg" (or something similar) who has, since, removed almost all of his projects publicly.

with that being said, I'm not even sure what version of WoT this is for. it surely isn't the most current version. I could try updating it, as it seems a few people are interested in it. give me a week or so I'll see what I can do if you're still around.

May I ask you to update the code to the latest version of the game?

Hi @hi-skittles

I managed to compile both observer and hangar mods. When I connect to wargaming, i'm put to hangar but can't select tank nor perform basic tasks. Everywhere there are messages saying that the connection to the server couldn't be established.

Any ideas?

no it will be fine. do not try most recent version. you need some dependency mods as well. i will upload them here soon. i recently almost lost all the data related to this project because i had my motherboard in my old PC fail and corrupt my windows kernel etc etc. anyways, its not gone, so i will try to upload some stuff. if you want to develop this project further, please do so by forking my code and creating a pull request with your changes. if it looks good, i'll merge it.

hello all. sorry for the untimely reply, this project hasn't been of much interest to me for quite some time, and i've completely lost the development environment i was using. i've since realised a couple of things.. A) this repo is the first result on google when searching "wot offline server" and, B) this is not all my code. afaik it was made by a fellow named "izeberg" (or something similar) who has, since, removed almost all of his projects publicly.
with that being said, I'm not even sure what version of WoT this is for. it surely isn't the most current version. I could try updating it, as it seems a few people are interested in it. give me a week or so I'll see what I can do if you're still around.

Hi! May I ask you to update the code to the latest version of the game?

i likely won't do this. there is not much reason unfortunately for me to do so as i haven't played this game in well over 2 years. i completed the game in my opinion and ever since 2016 its gone downhill. 11+ years with a single game does somethin to ya. anyways, maybe once i brush up on my python skills and WG adds a dev api i think it would be possible :)

you will need this file to run the mod, else you will have many errors or it may not work at all. poliroid removed all of his code for older versions, so the fact i was able to compile this mod into a usuable .wotmod is nothing short of a godsend.

i likely won't do this. there is not much reason unfortunately for me to do so as i haven't played this game in well over 2 years.

Would you be interested in resuming the work for compensation or sponsorship?

for now, all you need to do is make sure you have python 2.7 installed and run the build scripts. it should produce a .wotmod file for you to stick in ur mods folder. though im certain i tried it and it won't load. it also requires an api mod of sorts. will update here with more details when they become available.

I compiled build_hangar.py with success, but I'm having problems with the second script, build_observer.
I'm using python 2.7 as you said, but when I try compiling build_observer, I get the following errors:
"ImportError: No module named psutil"
"ImportError: No module named polib"

I tried every single way I could find to install those 2 packages, and I mean EVERY single way, it doesn't seem to work. What can I do about that?

Also if anyone here reads this and already compiled both scripts, could you just upload them both here? I think it'd be simpler.

Good afternoon, I wanted to ask if any work is underway with this mod and will it be published as a file that can be simply installed?

Dzień dobry, chciałem zapytać, czy trwają jakieś prace nad tym modem i czy zostanie on opublikowany jako plik, który można po prostu zainstalować?


Hello. where can I find old versions of the WOT client?

i likely won't do this. there is not much reason unfortunately for me to do so as i haven't played this game in well over 2 years.

Would you be interested in resuming the work for compensation or sponsorship?

possibly, after i finish my python course :)

Also if anyone here reads this and already compiled both scripts, could you just upload them both here? I think it'd be simpler.

normally i would, however i could easily compile them and they flat out could not work on your PC (cuz reasons) which is why i dont.

Good afternoon, I wanted to ask if any work is underway with this mod and will it be published as a file that can be simply installed?

whenever i can fix some bugs, i will release it for

Hello. where can I find old versions of the WOT client?

i used djgappa. they used to host the files themselves but now its all torrented. i will seed 0.9.22 starting tomorrow, eastern standard time (-05).

Hello, another question. Do you know which version exacly this mod support? EU or NA (currently I'm downloading both to check just in case)? A few months ago I managed to start the server on EU version ( but it didn't work at all. I was only able to get into hangar and just change and rotate tanks, nothing else. Is the verion a problem or I did something wrong(I used mod "poliroid.modslistapi_1.1.0.wotmod" of course)?

@hi-skittles Hello, another question. Do you know which version exacly this mod support? EU or NA (currently I'm downloading both to check just in case)? A few months ago I managed to start the server on EU version ( but it didn't work at all. I was only able to get into hangar and just change and rotate tanks, nothing else. Is the verion a problem or I did something wrong(I used mod "poliroid.modslistapi_1.1.0.wotmod" of course)?

yes thats the version. EU vs NA vs RU shouldn't matter, so long as its 0.9.22.x.x. so far, (again) until wg releases some sort of api and until i can get bigworld actually running, adding the ability to do an offline battle is very very far in the future/not planned. the mod started off as a way for anyone to load up the game and view any tank in the game and basically do anything they wanted in the hangar. the game (or maybe the space editor, not sure cant remember) has a bare basic support for driving a tank around that just sticks like glue to the ground. not very practical, and very reminiscent of pre-0.8 patches, but maybe that could be done.

the helper mod you used looks correct.

I suggest we gather a group of people who use Python well and create offline fights in wot. Or copy the bots that are already present in the game files

I suggest we gather a group of people who use Python well and create offline fights in wot. Or copy the bots that are already present in the game files

find someone and i'd be glad.

If this mod will work it will be the biggest change for WoT in over 5 years but unfortunately I cant help cuz my only python knowledge is calculator and other very basic programs.

There is already a figure working on an external server. Been in development for years; they won't release the source but have made it much farther than I have. There is also separate code that is not a mod and requires zero client modification to work. However, the fellow that wrote ~80% of the code has asked me to not publish it. Plus, it deals with concepts I do not understand for the most part.

There is also a guy called mikeoverbay who made a few years ago programs to export tank and map models from the game but he also made XML file editor to decode weird WG format files. Im not sure but his program might be helpful.

I've been digging around the Internet and found a site with a similar project, although it hasn't been fully done, but everything is shown in detail there, please read this post https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/45855-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B4-%D1%8D%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80-%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0-world-of-tanks/#comments

Although I do not understand programming languages, I also want this project to be developed, so every day I try to find at least some grains on the Internet

So the fact is that someone has already tried but it's still nothing more than just entering the hangar. I think that the only way to make this mod work is to collect all programs from the internet that will be useful and try to use them to make this mod FULLY functional.

I see you have updated the mod, have you added something new?