
Latest version of asynq 0.24.1 breaks asynqmon

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I am getting following error:

panic: asnyqmon.New: unsupported RedisConnOpt type asynq.RedisClientOpt

goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/hibiken/asynqmon.New({{0x10580ef4e, 0xd}, {0x1065729c0, 0x140001d9180}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...})

Error originates from here:

rc, ok := opts.RedisConnOpt.MakeRedisClient().(redis.UniversalClient)
if !ok {
	panic(fmt.Sprintf("asnyqmon.New: unsupported RedisConnOpt type %T", opts.RedisConnOpt))


When I revert my project to use Asynq 0.24.0 the error goes away. I am using v9 Redis client.

fosmjo commented

I came into the same problem too. @hibiken

Until it fixed we can use the pr in go mod

replace github.com/hibiken/asynqmon => github.com/trungdlp-wolffun/asynqmon v0.0.0-20230504041709-b870efa9542d

func Monitor() {
h := asynqmon.New(asynqmon.Options{
RootPath: "/", // RootPath specifies the root for asynqmon app
RedisConnOpt: asynq.RedisClientOpt{Addr: ":6379", Password: "", DB: 0},

e := echo.New()
e.Any("/*", echo.WrapHandler(h))


Visit http://localhost:8080/ why this error occurs
template: pattern did not match any files: ui\build\index.html
How can I solve it?


Should be fixed via #303

+1 template: pattern matches no files: ui\build\index.html