
Event infrastructure for absolutely everyone

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The official website of the 11th edition for tsyp.ieee.tn built with React and hosted with Vercel


🚨 Forking this repo (please read!)

Many people have contacted me asking me if they can use this code for their own website, and the answer to that question is usually yes, with attribution.

I value keeping the site open source, but as you all know, plagiarism is bad. It's always disheartening whenever I find that someone has copied my site without giving me credit. I spent a non-trivial amount of effort building and designing this iteration of the website, and I am proud of it! All I ask of you all is to not claim this effort as your own.

Please also note that I did not build this site with the intention of it being a starter theme, so if you have questions about implementation, please feel free to contact me for any missing details Personal Website and I will continue to document the website.


Yes, you can fork this repo. Please give me proper credit by linking back to hichemfantar.com. Thanks!

πŸ—ΊοΈ Building the virtual map

  1. Follow the instructions on the WorkAdventure Documentation

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, please follow these simple steps.


Here is what you need to be able to run the TSYP website.

  • Node.js (Version: >=18.x)
  • NPM (yarn and pnpm are also good options)

The codebase will receive a refactor in the coming months

πŸ›  Development

  1. Clone the repo into a public GitHub repository (or fork https://github.com/hichemfantar/TSYP-11-Official-Website/fork). If you plan to distribute the code, keep the source code public to comply with GPLv2.

    git clone https://github.com/hichemfantar/TSYP-11-Official-Website.git
  2. Install Node

    node -v && npm -v
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Start the development server

    npm run dev

πŸš€ Building and Running for Production

  1. Generate a full static production build

    npm run build
  2. Preview the site as it will appear once deployed

    npm run preview

🎨 Color Reference

Tailwind colors

Color Hex
Light Background #f9fafb #f9fafb
Dark Text #111827 #111827
Dark Text Secondary #9ca3af #9ca3af
Dark Background #000000 #000000
Light Text #e5e7eb #e5e7eb
Light Text Secondary #4b5563 #4b5563