
Return of Captial amount for 2021 distribution was altered after the fact - there's an earlier Form 8937 with a different value

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It turns out there were two Form 8937's for the 2021 distribution:

  1. the one on the broadcom investor site detailing $16.87 as the RoC amount
  2. an earlier form detailing $16.58 - still posted on slack

Alex has run the numbers and determined that he paid taxes on the earlier number and that eTrade's 1099B from 2021 uses the earlier number.

As such I need to:

  • upload the earlier version of Form 8937
  • add a tweak to the sheet to control which RoC value should apply

Form 8937 - October 29, 2021.pdf

Validated per the 2021 etrade 1099-div that I received $16.58 (16.57974 to 5dp) per share... which equates to the estimated value.

I'm not adding a tweak and instead am just going to update the sheet value for everyone as multiple people have verified that etrade used the estimated value and no counter points.

Reopened this as my broker said their stock plan team said they cannot use the non-final number in their calculations. Also that it explained some discrepancies they'd seen with other clients, so it's not that they don't have validation of the claim.

They did note that I could request the update anyway, but that I would have to provide the numbers explicitly with that adjustment. I've got all the data to do that, but the fact they won't make the change directly implies there may be unknowns wrapped around this.

So the issue is reopened for follow up questions to CPA.