Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free.
- 2
[SingboxParser] unmarshal error: outbounds[0].domain_resolver: json: unknown field "domain_resolver"
#1668 opened by linchen958 - 0
[FR] Change icon color when connected, macOS
#1669 opened by Giant-Li - 2
"Tab To Connect" button doesn't tap
#1659 opened by sghiaseddin - 0
The connection bypasses the VPN configured in NetworkManager when selecting a region in the routing settings.
#1660 opened by Engen03 - 0
[FR] GeoIPPath GeoSitePath
#1666 opened by yangdehui - 0
- 0
Quick disconnection after connection
#1664 opened by Paaayman - 0
[FR] Flatpak
#1662 opened by Jackson-Nickk - 1
"Failed to Add Profile" - "Unexpected Connection Error" on Subscription Import
#1661 opened by mishablokhin - 1
[FR] add webdav
#1646 opened by zhulinghuanyu - 0
Persistent and immediate crashes upon activating WARP functionality and connecting nodes in Hiddify iOS/iPadOS Version
#1658 opened by splendidx - 2
Debian 12 xfce error
#1614 opened by cosmiconyx - 1
Connection Fix
#1652 opened by TGIR0 - 0
Hitting tablet
#1656 opened by Noobmaster1441 - 1
- 0
Please Update hiddify to fixed bugs to improve performance
#1654 opened by bbylw - 0
- 0
Hiddify Shows Wrong IP
#1651 opened by TGIR0 - 0
Can't establish connection with VLESS
#1650 opened by dimales - 1
- 1
YouTube split tunnelling on mobile phone
#1609 opened by J4CKVVH173 - 0
- 1
#1642 opened by persiangoodzilaa - 0
Android disable notification cannot be used
#1643 opened by bread-big - 1
TimeOut error for mobile App
#1616 opened by almirus - 1
Timeout error
#1608 opened by esmaeilifardi - 1
[FR] ssconf:// is not supported yet although it has been listed in https://hiddify.com/app/URL-Scheme/ documentation.
#1630 opened by khantzawhein - 0
- 0
Android, iOS, Windows global Internet access function
#1635 opened by WLStars - 0
#1634 opened by alipour66m - 2
[FR] KillSwitch support
#1611 opened by Aarab228 - 0
Additional Conditions on License violate GPLv3
#1633 opened by garmr-ulfr - 0
Error in KDE Neon
#1632 opened by abmahmoudi1980 - 0
[FR] Remember the last enabled profile
#1631 opened by lisia2k - 0
[FR] Monet icon
#1629 opened by mrksbgg - 0
#1628 opened by Amirh132jsh - 0
[FR] Blacklist certain regions from Auto-switch
#1627 opened by enchained - 0
Android tv not focus
#1625 opened by almaziphone - 0
افزودن قابلیت تجمیع کانکشن های اینترنت
#1624 opened by ojooubeh - 0
Shadowsocks doesn't support the 'prefix' setting
#1623 opened by stiig - 0
- 0
The client triggers some system hooks when hidden
#1621 opened by Mayonnaise-Slap - 0
[FR] Add arm64 linux version?
#1620 opened by slwyts - 0
[FR] FreeBSD packages?
#1618 opened by Borderliner - 0
installation from scoop fails
#1617 opened by keyrad-abasi - 0
- 0
Share options not showing
#1612 opened by aminihasehem - 0
[FR] "fakehost in fragment" AND "UDP noise"
#1610 opened by Morrigan-Ship - 0
When using the Chinese network, the message "invalid user > user do not exist" appears.
#1607 opened by tenSunFree - 0