
Unified license report for multi-project build

shevek opened this issue · 6 comments

It's either missing or nonobvious, but I use the netflix gradle template, which uses this plugin, and it's not clear how to get a unified license report for a multi-project build. I get unified javadoc but not licenses.

Thank you.

At the moment there is no support yet for a unified license report.

We would all would love it if it were! :-) [Captain obvious speaking]

Update: License plugin currently applied like this, due to Netflix gradle template being obsolete:


As a work-around, you could use Pivotal's LicenseFinder which uses this project underneath when scanning Gradle projects. LicenseFinder collects all results of all supported scanning tools, so you effectively get a unifed report also if you just scan a Gradle multi-project build.

Just be sure to build LicenseFinder from source instead of using the latest released version to get some important fixes WRT Gradle support.

Is there any plan of having this done? Even it is possible to have a report for each sub-project, it would be great to see an aggregate report for all of them.

Fixed by @jonathannaguin :) Thanks a lot!