Extracting Parallel Sentences with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks to Improve Machine Translation
A TensorFlow implementation of the bidirectional RNN model described in the paper Extracting Parallel Sentences with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks to Improve Machine Translation to extract parallel sentences from aligned comparable corpora.
- TensorFlow (instructions)
- NumPy (instructions)
- scikit-learn (instructions)
We have provided a script to tokenize and clean your datasets using Moses.
./scripts/preprocessing.sh ~/moses/mosesdecoder ../data/train en fr 3 80
mv ../data/train.clean.en ../data/train.en
mv ../data/train.clean.fr ../data/train.fr
Run the training script.
python train.py --source_train_path ../data/train.en --target_train_path ../data/train.fr --source_valid_path ../data/valid.en --target_valid_path ../data/valid.fr --checkpoint_dir ../tflogs
The models are written in checkpoint_dir
Run the evaluation script.
python eval.py --checkpoint_dir ../tflogs --source_test_path ../data/test.en --target_test_path ../data/test.fr --reference_test_path ../data/test.ref --source_vocab_path ../data/vocabulary.source --target_vocab_path ../data/vocabulary.target
The evaluation is done on the last model saved in checkpoint_dir
Run the sentence extraction script.
python extract.py --checkpoint_dir ../tflogs --extract_dir ./samples --source_vocab_path ../data/vocabulary.source --target_vocab_path ../data/vocabulary.target --source_output_path ../data/extracted.source --target_output_path ../data/extracted.target --score_output_path ../data/extracted.score --source_language en --target_language fr --decision_threshold 0.99