My leetcode solution collection


Difficulty Num Percentage
Easy 59 40%
Medium 78 52%
Hard 12 8%

Total : 149


Num Title Languages Difficulty Tags
020 valid parentheses python, java easy stack
021 java easy
026 remove duplicates from sorted array java easy
069 sqrt python easy
100 java easy
101 java easy
108 convert sorted array to bst python easy
110 java easy
1146 consecutive characters python easy
1260 shift 2d grid python easy
1290 convert binary linked list to integer python easy
1342 steps reduce number to zero python easy
1351 count neg numbers in sorted matrix python easy
136 java easy
1394 find lucky integer python easy
141 java easy
1436 destination city python easy
1470 shuffle the array python easy
1475 final prices discount python easy
1480 running sum 1d array java easy
1512 number good pairs python easy math
1539 kth missing positive number python easy
1572 matrix diagonal sum python easy
167 java easy
190 reverse bits java easy
198 house robber java easy
204 count primes python easy
206 reverse linked list python, java easy
226 invert binary tree python, java easy
234 palindrome linked list java easy
242 valid anagram python easy
257 binary tree paths python easy dfs
263 ugly number python easy
268 missing number java easy
278 first bad version python easy
283 move zeros python easy
344 reverse string python easy
35 search insert position python easy
389 find the difference python easy
392 java easy
452 java easy
538 java easy
572 java easy
617 java easy
653 two sum 4 python easy
669 trim a binary search tree python easy binary search tree
700 search in bst python easy
733 flood fill python easy dfs, bfs
804 unique morse code words python easy
819 most common word python easy
821 shortest distance to character python easy
872 java easy
876 middle of linked list java easy
896 monotonic array python easy
921 minimum add make parentheses valid python easy
922 sort array by parity 2 java easy
937 java easy
942 DI string match python easy
965 univalued binary tree python easy
003 longest substring without repeating characters java medium
005 java medium
017 letter combinations phone number java medium
022 generate parentheses java medium
039 combination sum java medium
040 combination sum 2 java medium
046 permutations java medium
056 java medium
063 java medium
064 java medium
075 java medium
077 combinations java medium
078 subsets java medium
090 subsets 2 java medium
094 java medium
098 validate bst java medium
1011 capacity to ship packages python medium
1038 bst to greater sum tree python medium dfs, bst
1049 last stone weight 2 python medium
1054 java medium
1079 letter tile possibilities python medium math, permutation, repetition
109 convert sorted list to bst python, java medium
113 java medium
114 java medium
1143 java medium
1155 java medium
1286 iterator combination python medium
1306 jum game 3 python medium
137 java medium
139 word break python medium dp
142 java medium
146 java medium
1482 minimum days to make bouquets python medium
150 java medium
1514 path with maximum prob python medium graph, dijkstra
1529 bulb switcher 4 python medium
1641 count sorted vowel python medium
173 java medium
2 add two numbers python medium
200 number islands python medium BFS
207 java medium
211 java medium
213 house robber 2 java medium
215 kth largest element in array python, java medium max heap
216 combination sum 3 java medium
230 java medium
238 java medium
240 java medium
264 ugly number 2 python medium
300 longest increasing subsequence java medium
313 super ugly number python medium
332 coin change java medium
337 house robber 3 java medium
338 couting bits python medium
343 integer break python medium dp
347 java medium
438 java medium
445 add two numbers 2 python medium
450 java medium
451 sort char by frequency python medium
474 ones and zeros python medium
49 group anagrams python medium
503 next greater element 2 python medium
518 coin change 2 python, java medium
542 java medium
63 unique paths 2 python medium dp
647 java medium
692 java medium
735 java medium
763 java medium
767 java medium
784 letter case permutation java medium
807 max increase to keep city skyline java medium
875 koko eating bananas python medium
907 sum of subarray minimums python, java medium
959 regions cut by slashes python, java medium
973 k closest points to origin python medium
994 rotting oranges java medium
037 sudoku solver java hard
051 n queens java hard
052 n queens 2 java hard
068 java hard
072 edit distance java hard
076 minimum window substring java hard
224 java hard
297 serialize and deserialize binary tree python, java hard
410 split array largest sum python hard
668 kth smallest number in multiplication table python hard binary search
719 find kth smallest pair distance python hard binary search
84 largest rectangle histogram python hard monotonous stack