
FingerprintScannerUnknownError being thrown more frequently on iOS 14

Opened this issue · 2 comments

pmm1 commented

We're seeing a large spike in the FingerprintScannerUnknownError being thrown for users on iOS 14.

Has anyone else noticed this issue and is there a way to fix it?

1+ vote. Same with me.

@pmm1 hey guy. this is because you showed modal in background so user can not interactive with the modal and that isn't allow by apple.

If you check in the lib you will find that error relate to this kLAErrorNotInteractive error code

so to fix this bug you have to make sure that user can interact with modal by setTimeout for modal. try to test it by setTimeout 20s and see the result
That is everything I found for my case relate to FingerprintScannerUnknownError.
Hope this can help