
JCenter will not be maintained anymore

Closed this issue · 4 comments

On February 3 2021, JFrog announced that they will be shutting down JCenter.

Instead we should use mavenCentral()

Any plan on replacing jCenter() in build.gradle ?

Current error if we replace jCenter() with mavenCentral() :

Could not resolve com.wei.android.lib:fingerprintidentify:1.2.6

Hi there! I believe you're in the wrong spot - that's a transitive dependency in your project, via this project, but the real dependency is elsewhere.

You might like: uccmawei/FingerprintIdentify@5a344dc

Yes you are are right the root problem is about FingerprintIdentify, but since this repository is using it the problem is also affecting react-native-fingerprint-scanner itself indirectly.

in build.gradle:
implementation "com.wei.android.lib:fingerprintidentify:${safeExtGet("fingerprintidentify", "1.2.6")}"

Yes, and if you add jitpack as in the issue I reference, you're all set

Fixed by #189