
Real mentions for Matrix users based on their Displayname?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

poVoq commented

Edit: Turns out this is a general problem with mentions not being translated IRC -> Matrix except for Heisenbridge users.

When replying with mentioning a nick on IRC the RELAYMSG (default "/m") isn't stripped Matrix side and thus there is no proper mention tagged.

Would be cool if that could be added.

poVoq commented

Hmm even when I remove the tag manually the non-Heisenbridge users do not get mentions... odd.

hifi commented

Heisenbridge creates mentions only between real IRC nicks and that is by design
Mapping Matrix users based on their displaynames isn't unique and would rarely work correctly.

poVoq commented

Hmm, that is too bad.

Maybe it is a cultural difference from the IRC / XMPP world where nicks in group-chats are always ambiguous, but I don't really see a problem with notifications like that even when they fail or mismatch in a few cases. More often then not they probably reach the right person, at least on IRC and XMPP they do.

poVoq commented

Would mentioning the full Matrix ID work?

I guess Heisenbridge could set the "real name" to the full Matrix ID so that when you really want to ping a user you could do it that way.

hifi commented

I guess it would but no one on IRC would know it.

You can disable displaynames completely with the ROOM command, though.

poVoq commented

Heisenbridge could not transfer the MIXD to the IRC real name field? That is easy to look up on IRC without cluttering the normal chat.

hifi commented

That doesn't work for plumbs, the users are not actually connected to IRC, only the bridge bot.

poVoq commented

Ah yes slaps forehead