CandlestickData fails to serialize the ``.open`` property to JS literal
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hcpchris commented
NOTE: Reported on StackOverflow
It would seem that following the recent (v.1.4.0) update, that CandlestickData
does not serialize proper serialization to JS literal. In particular, the .open
property gets set, but when serialized to a JS literal it is serialized as null
for some reason:
from highcharts_stock.chart import Chart
ohlcv = [[1665504000000, 20, 21, 19, 20, 322],
[1665590400000, 21, 23, 21, 22, 168]]
chart = Chart.from_array(ohlcv, series_type='candlestick')
# Output: [CandlestickData(open = 20, close = 20, high = 21, low = 19, x = 1665504000000),
# CandlestickData(open = 21, close = 22, high = 23, low = 21, x = 1665590400000)]
js_lit = chart.to_js_literal()
print(js_lit[js_lit.find("data:"):js_lit.find(']]') + 2].replace('\n', ''))
# Output: data: [[1665504000000, null, 21, 19, 20], [1665590400000, null, 23, 21, 22]]