
[Error] Element ref was specified as a string but no owner was set.

kdenz opened this issue · 4 comments

kdenz commented


RN 0.61.5
react 16.9
react-native-webview v8

I had to change ref="webview" in HighchartsReactNative.js to ref = {(ref)=>{this.webview = ref}} in order to fix the error

Hi @kdenz,
Thank you for reporting (and solution in PR), but would like to know how you do that? When I run my demo in Expo or RN I was not able to reproduce it.

kdenz commented

@sebastianbochan hi there, have you tried running it on RN0.61.5 + react-native-webview 8.xx + iOS 13.4 ? Somehow this error popped up for me

Will test it (I have older RN) and wait for feedback from other users. I would like to be sure that its not break other implementions.

The new 3.0 version is released.

Im closing this ticket. If you will encounter any problems, please create a new ticket. In this case we will avoid confusing and keep the newest version on track.