
Export server run issue for multiple request

PRABHASITHREDDY opened this issue · 2 comments

Iam running my export server using
"highcharts-export-server --enableServer 1 --host localhost --port 3012 --enableServer 1 --minWorkers 4 --maxWorkers 20"

this is working fine when i send 1 request a time but if i send more than 5 requests at a time iam facing errors like

Wed Aug 07 2024 22:06:08 GMT+0530 [error] - [export] Work: 7ac0c690b1554c75adc39d608f565ce3 could not be completed, sending: In pool.postWork: [pool] Error when acquiring available entry: Error: operation timed out for an unknown reason.

Wed Aug 07 2024 22:06:30 GMT+0530 [error] - [export] Work: 6f1192a9522b4b71b627341c7f163bc1 could not be completed, sending: In pool.postWork: Error trying to perform puppeteer export: Error: Requesting main frame too early!.

Can Anyone help me with solving the issue

Thanks for reporting @PRABHASITHREDDY!

We will investigate this issue and if the information that you provided is enough for our local reproduction, we will add it to our backlog. If not, I will ask you for more details.


I am facing the same issue. Could something be missing in the configuration?

I've included below that minimum number of workers is set to 8 and max at 48.
I am sending 16 requests simultaneously hoping that the other 8 workers will be created but they never get created.
You can see that in the log below, 7 workers are waiting to be created but they shouldn't wait. I have set max workers to 48.

Please help me understand the issue and provide any workarounds.

Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [verbose] - [pool] Work received, starting to process. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [benchmark] - [pool] The minimum number of resources allowed by pool: 8. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [benchmark] - [pool] The maximum number of resources allowed by pool: 48. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [benchmark] - [pool] The number of all created resources: 8. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [benchmark] - [pool] The number of available resources: 0. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [benchmark] - [pool] The number of acquired resources: 8. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [benchmark] - [pool] The number of resources waiting to be acquired: 7. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:28 GMT+0000 [verbose] - [pool] Acquiring a worker handle. Fri Aug 16 2024 02:38:32 GMT+0000 [error] - [pool] In pool.postWork: For request with ID 8f1b64d1b9ef4b37bf7b5342ae6c2146 - Error encountered when acquiring an available entry: 5088.926711ms. Error: operation timed out for an unknown reason at /opt/node-export-server/node_modules/tarn/dist/PendingOperation.js:14:27 at async postWork (file:///opt/node-export-server/lib/pool.js:272:22) at async doExport (file:///opt/node-export-server/lib/chart.js:439:20) at async exportHandler (file:///opt/node-export-server/lib/server/routes/export.js:212:5)