
Use a template other than single.php

nickwit opened this issue · 7 comments


Is there a way of forcing myContest to use a page template other than single.php?

I'm not able to use any of the standard templates in the site's theme... so I need to set up a new one:


But I can't see how to force it to use this template, without all the other single pages using it as well.

Any help much appreciated.




easy when you know how.

You can select the format as well if the theme support that.

Yes please, I would like to know that as well as how to remove it from the single.php and using only on the page?

If you make a file called


the contest will use that rather than single.php

That's what I did anyway.


Yes please, I would like to know that as well as how to remove it from
the single.php and using only on the page?

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#47 (comment).

My workaround was to check the field (under Settings Tab) "Disable Add to Query (will not show in the loop)?" And the all the contest stop showing up in Post, but still shows up using Shortcode in Pages.

@zeevee That would be the way to do it. Any other questions with this?

Nope, Thanks Kyle!