
Optional fields in proto2 files

randm-ch opened this issue · 2 comments

A proto definition

message UnlockEvent {
    optional string eventId = 1;

compiles to

final case class UnlockEvent(@_root_.pbdirect.pbIndex(1) eventId: _root_.java.lang.String)

whereas I would expect it to be

final case class UnlockEvent(@_root_.pbdirect.pbIndex(1) eventId: _root_.scala.Option[_root_.java.lang.String])

Is there an option for this (haven't found anything in the docs)? It works correctly if using another message BTW:

message EventId {
    string value = 1;

message UnlockEvent {
    optional EventId eventId = 1;

will result in Option[EventId] correctly.

Using addSbtPlugin("io.higherkindness" % "sbt-mu-srcgen" % "0.26.0"). Thanks!

hi @randm-ch,

sbt-mu-srcgen uses skeumorph by default for the source generation. There's an issue related to this:

You can use avrohugger for the code generation through the SBT setting key muSrcGenAvroGeneratorType. Take a look to the documentation.

If I'm not wrong, you shouldn't have that problem with avrohugger.

Thanks for the explaination and the workaround. Closing the issue.