
User defined JVM arguments on the command line

susliko opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to provide custom VM startup options of the scala_binary targets while running bazel run from the command line?
--jvmopt (https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/command-line-reference.html#flag--jvmopt)
seems not to be working in the following run:
bazel run --jvmopt="-Dfoo=bar" //:app

That --jvmopt flag is for passing options to the bazel server on startup.

If you want to pass arguments to your bazel run process, you put them after a --.

The scala_binary rule uses this wrapper script to launch .jars. It takes a --jvm_flag option that will forward to the java command.

So this is what you want:

bazel run //:app -- --jvm_flag="-Dfoo=bar"

It worked. Thank you!