
Window gets moving sideways when reopening during the same session

skunkyevil opened this issue ยท 3 comments

First of all thank you for the great tool that saves a huge amount of time for not reinventing a wheel ๐Ÿ‘

I use Finplot in Jupyter notebook mostly.
With the first fplt.show() window position is fine.
With next fplt.show() window appears slightly shifted to rightwards and a little bit to the downwards.
And so on and so forth, so at some point window appears completely out of the screen, so I have to restart kernel, load all my data and so on.

To confirm this behavior without Jupyter, I just modified pandas-df-plot.py example:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import finplot as fplt
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,3,5], 'B':[2,4,5,3], 'C':[3,6,11,8], 'D':[1,1,2,2], 'labels':list('ABCD')}, index=[1606086000, 1606086001, 1606086002, 1606086003])

df.plot('A', 'labels', kind='labels', color='#660')
df.plot('C', kind='scatter')


df.plot('A', 'labels', kind='labels', color='#660')
df.plot('C', kind='scatter')


Ah, hadn't thought of that. Fix in 15059aa.

Great! Thank you.

What is the practical meaning of win_recreate_delta setting being not 0? I guess it is for opening several windows in multithreading mode, am I right?

Correct, it is an old-fashioned way of making sure the user sees there are more windows opened.