
[BUG] Inspection error: <class 'IndexError'> list index out of range

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Requirements (place an x in each of the [ ])**

  • I realize finplot is not a web lib. (Hint: it's native!)
  • I've read the snippets and not found what I'm looking for.
  • I've searched for any related issues and avoided creating a duplicate issue.
  • I've updated finplot (pip install -U finplot).
  • I've supplied the required data to run my code below.

Code to reproduce

#☺ initialization code
# https://github.com/highfestiva/finplot/blob/master/finplot/examples/embed.py
        # small customization
        fplt.candle_bull_body_color = fplt.candle_bull_color
        fplt.legend_fill_color = '#fff'
        fplt.legend_text_color = '#000'

        fplt.display_timezone = timezone.utc

        self.ax = fplt.create_plot('beyond_horizon', init_zoom_periods=100, yscale='linear')
        self.ax.showGrid(True, True)
        self.ax_volume = self.ax.overlay()
        fplt.set_mouse_callback(self.on_move, ax=self.ax, when='hover')

        self.plot_candles = fplt.live(1)
        fplt.timer_callback(self.plot_candlestick_chart, 10)


Plotting code:

    def plot_candlestick_chart(self, hard_reset=False):
        candle_sizes = self.cmb_candle_size.currentText().split(",")
            candle_sizes = [int(val.strip()) for val in candle_sizes]  # remove spaces
            self.logger.warning("wrong candle sizes")

        ticker = self.cmb_ticker.currentText()
        show_volume = self.checkbox_volume.isChecked()
        self.ticker_subscribe.emit(ticker, int(candle_sizes[0]))

        if candle_sizes[0] not in self.dfs:

        # save window zoom position before resetting
        if not hard_reset:

        if self.current_bar.close !=0:
            df = pd.DataFrame([self.current_bar], columns=Bar._fields)
            df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date'])  # convert to datetimeindex
            df_updating = pd.concat([ self.dfs[candle_sizes[0]], df])

            price = df_updating['open close high low'.split()]
            price = self.dfs[candle_sizes[0]]['open close high low'.split()]


        if show_volume is True:
            volume = self.dfs[candle_sizes[0]]['open close volume'.split()]
            self.ax_volume.reset()  # remove previous plots
            fplt.volume_ocv(volume, ax=self.ax_volume)

        # restores saved zoom position, if in range
        fplt.refresh()  # refresh autoscaling when all plots complete

Describe the bug

In some cases, not clear when I start getting this errors on console; this happens when I move the mouse over the chart.
Inspection error: <class 'IndexError'> list index out of range
Inspection error: <class 'IndexError'> list index out of range
Inspection error: <class 'IndexError'> list index out of range
Inspection error: <class 'IndexError'> list index out of range

Expected behavior

Understand what is wrong


I'm guessing you've got a callback (from finplot.set_mouse_callback(... 'hover')) that is causing the list out of range. Add a try...except in your callback to figure out what you're doing wrong.