
ISO19139 Json-schema creation

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I trying to create the Json-schema of ISO19139 profile.

../jsonix/lib$ java -jar jsonix-schema-compiler-full.jar http://schemas.opengis.net/iso/19139/20060504/gmd/metadataEntity.xsd

Exception in thread "main" com.sun.tools.xjc.BadCommandLineException: unrecognized parameter -generateJsonSchema
        at com.sun.tools.xjc.Options.parseArguments(Options.java:814)
        at org.hisrc.jsonix.JsonixMain.main(JsonixMain.java:74)

Maybe this feature is not yet with jsonix distributions file ? But the compiler is executed without the generateJsonSchema parameter does not work either.

../jsonix/lib$ java -jar jsonix-schema-compiler-full.jar http://schemas.opengis.net/iso/19139/20060504/gmd/metadataEntity.xsd

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance

You should npm install jsonix-schema-compiler. The JAR in Jsonix lib is not the actual as Jsonix was not released for quite a while already.

You're trying to compile an OGC Schema. :) This is extremely hard. You need a lot of carefully orchestrated configs and binding files to make it work. This is the scope of the ogc-schemas project. I'll add schema generation in one of the next versions. It's just too tricky - not because of Jsonix but mainly because of the underlying tech (JAXB/XJC).

Yes, I know! :D

I started working with Json-schemas to auto-generate forms. I had nice results using angular-schema-form with the business models on the project I am working on.

Well I just tried it! with ogc-schemas! :P

I'll close this since JSON Schemas area already generated in ogc-schemas:
