
Ensure that you have "Trust access to the VBA project object model" checked under Trust Center -> Macro Settings


To use module, first import-module .\adb.psm1 this will import two functions

  1. ListAdversaries
  2. CreateDocument


ListAdversaries will list the adversaries that are available to emulate CreateDocument will create the document(s) based on the adversary chosen

ListAdversary Example

PS C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\adb> ListAdversaries


CreateDocument Examples

The CreateDocument function takes 3 parameters

  1. c - this is the requested number of documents to be created (NOT required)
  2. adversary - this is the requested adversary to emulate (REQUIRED)
  3. out - this is the output directory to drop all of the requested files. default operation is to drop the files into $PSScriptRoot. if out is specified and the directory does not exist, it will be created (NOT required)
  4. pass - password you'd like to set on the document (NOT required)
PS C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\adb> CreateDocument -c 1 -adversary test1

[*] Creating 1 documents...
PS C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\adb> CreateDocument -c 5 -adversary test12

[*] Creating 5 documents...
PS C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\adb> CreateDocument -c 5 -adversary test3 -out C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\out

[*] Creating 5 documents...
[*] Specified output directory does NOT exist
[+] Creating 'C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\out' now...
PS C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\adb> CreateDocument -c 1 -adversary test1 -pass 'password'

[*] Creating '1' document(s)...
[!] Log does not exist
[+] Creating log file now...
[*] Created 'C:\Users\ebfe\Desktop\adb\Your_Invoice_4331.docm'...

Development Notes

Ensure that the adversary directory is populated with a Doc1.docx or Book1.xlsx. This file is used as the template during the document creation process.