Dependency Dashboard
renovate opened this issue · 0 comments
renovate commented
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
Config Migration Needed
- Select this checkbox to let Renovate create an automated Config Migration PR.
These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | @codemirror/basic-setup |
npm | @codemirror/tooltip |
npm | @vitejs/plugin-react-refresh |
npm | codecov |
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.12.3
- chore(deps): update actions/cache action to v4
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4
- chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4
- chore(deps): update dependency node to v22 (
) - chore(deps): update dependency vite-tsconfig-paths to v5
- fix(deps): update dependency jsdom to v25
- 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v5.0.10
- chore(deps): update dependency stream to ^0.0.3
- chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to ^0.24.0
- chore(deps): update dependency @edge-runtime/types to v3
- chore(deps): update dependency edge-runtime to v3
- chore(deps): update dependency readable-stream to v4
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v6
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-eslint to v8
- fix(deps): update dependency daisyui to v4
- fix(deps): update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2
- Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- fix(deps): update dependency @antv/g-canvas to v2
- fix(deps): update dependency @antv/g-svg to v2
- fix(deps): update dependency yargs to v17 (
Detected dependencies
runforesight/foresight-workflow-kit-action v1
actions/checkout v2
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v2
pnpm/action-setup v4.0.0
actions/cache v2
dorny/test-reporter v1
codecov/codecov-action v2
thundra-io/foresight-test-kit-action v1
nejcm/bundle-size-reporter-action v1.4.1
actions/checkout v2
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v2
pnpm/action-setup v4.0.0
actions/cache v2
nejcm/bundle-size-reporter-action v1.4.1
node v18
@codemirror/basic-setup ^0.20.0
@codemirror/commands ^6.0.0
@codemirror/lang-javascript ^6.0.0
@codemirror/lang-json ^6.0.0
@codemirror/lint ^6.0.0
@codemirror/search ^6.0.0
@codemirror/state ^6.0.0
@codemirror/theme-one-dark ^6.0.0
@codemirror/tooltip ^0.19.16
@codemirror/view ^6.0.0
@react-hook/debounce ^4.0.0
@reduxjs/toolkit ^2.0.0
browser-fs-access ^0.35.0
classnames ^2.3.2
daisyui ^1.22.2
react ^18.2.0
react-dom ^18.2.0
react-error-boundary ^4.0.0
react-hot-toast ^2.4.0
react-redux ^9.0.0
react-router-dom ^6.3.0
shiki ^1.0.0
throttle-debounce ^5.0.0
usehooks-ts ^3.0.0
@percy/cli ^1.27.0
@percy/cypress ^3.1.2
@types/react ^18.0.8
@types/react-dom ^18.0.3
@types/throttle-debounce ^5.0.0
@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh ^1.3.6
autoprefixer *
cypress ^13.3.2
less ^4.1.3
postcss ^8.4.16
start-server-and-test ^2.0.4
tailwindcss ^3.1.8
typescript ^5.0.0
vite ^5.0.10
vite-plugin-mkcert ^1.17.5
vite-plugin-pwa ^0.20.0
vite-tsconfig-paths ^4.0.0
workbox-core ^7.0.0
workbox-precaching ^7.0.0
workbox-window ^7.0.0
workbox-strategies ^7.0.0
@changesets/changelog-git ^0.2.0
@changesets/cli ^2.24.1
@types/eslint__js ^8.42.0
@types/jest ^29.0.0
codecov ^3.8.3
esbuild-jest ^0.5.0
eslint ^9.0.0
eslint-plugin-prettier ^5.0.0
eslint-plugin-unused-imports ^4.0.0
husky ^9.0.0
jest ^29.0.0
jest-junit ^16.0.0
lint-staged ^15.0.0
prettier ^3.0.3
rimraf 5.0.7
turbo ^2.0.4
typescript ^5.0.0
typescript-eslint ^7.0.0
pnpm 9.6.0
shell-exec ^1.0.2
@types/node ^16.11.7
typescript ^5.0.0
@hikerpig/nearley ^2.21.0-beta.2
canvas ^2.11.2
consola ^3.0.0
jsdom ^24.0.0
mime-types ^2.1.31
yargs ^16.2.0
@types/jsdom ^21.0.0
@types/mime-types ^2.1.0
@types/node ^16.11.7
@types/yargs ^16.0.0
typescript ^5.0.0
@antv/event-emitter ^0.1.2
@antv/matrix-util ^3.0.4
@types/node ^16.11.7
clone-deep ^4.0.1
deepmerge ^4.2.2
tinycolor2 ^1.4.2
@types/clone-deep ^4.0.1
@types/tinycolor2 ^1.4.3
typescript ^5.0.0
@hikerpig/moo ^0.5.2-beta.2
@hikerpig/nearley ^2.21.0-beta.1
@pintora/dagre ^0.10.10
@pintora/graphlib 2.2.2
d3-interpolate ^3.0.1
d3-scale ^4.0.2
d3-shape ^3.0.1
d3-time ^3.0.0
dayjs ^1.10.7
dedent ^1.0.0
@types/d3-interpolate ^3.0.1
@types/d3-scale ^4.0.2
@types/d3-shape ^3.0.2
@types/dedent ^0.7.0
@types/nearley ^2.11.1
@types/node ^16.11.7
@types/tinycolor2 ^1.4.3
esbuild ^0.21.0
esbuild-jest ^0.5.0
jest-environment-jsdom ^29.0.0
shell-exec ^1.0.2
typescript ^5.0.0
@antv/g-canvas ^0.5.12
@antv/g-svg ^0.5.6
@types/node ^16.11.7
@antv/g-base ^0.5.11
typescript ^5.0.0
@types/node ^16.11.39
@types/tinycolor2 ^1.4.3
esbuild ^0.21.0
microbundle ^0.15.1
tsx ^4.0.0
typescript ^5.0.0
@edge-runtime/types ^2.2.7
@types/fontkit ^2.0.6
@types/node ^16.11.7
@types/svgdom ^0.1.2
base64-js ^1.5.1
buffer ^6.0.3
edge-runtime ^2.5.7
esbuild ^0.21.0
esbuild-visualizer ^0.6.0
events ^3.3.0
fontkit ^2.0.2
ieee754 ^1.2.1
inherits ^2.0.4
path ^0.12.7
path-browserify ^1.0.1
punycode ^2.3.1
readable-stream ^3.5.0
signal-exit ^4.1.0
stream ^0.0.2
stream-browserify ^3.0.0
svgdom ^0.1.19
ts-node ^10.9.2
typescript ^5.0.0
url ^0.11.3
util ^0.12.5
@docusaurus/core ^3.0.1
@docusaurus/preset-classic ^3.0.1
@docusaurus/theme-common ^3.0.1
@mdx-js/react ^3.0.0
@svgr/webpack ^8.0.0
clsx ^2.0.0
docusaurus-plugin-less ^2.0.2
file-loader ^6.2.0
less-loader ^12.0.0
mdx-embed ^1.0.0
path-browserify ^1.0.1
prism-react-renderer ^1.2.1
react ^18.0.0
react-dom ^18.0.0
shiki ^1.0.0
url-loader ^4.1.1
@docusaurus/module-type-aliases ^3.0.0
@tsconfig/docusaurus ^2.0.2
@types/react ^18.0.0
@types/react-helmet ^6.1.5
@types/react-router-dom ^5.3.2
typescript ^5.0.0
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository