
[API Enhancement] Project Simplification for those who is new to Common Lisp

hikettei opened this issue · 1 comments

  • TODO
    • Step-by-step tutorial for those who aren't familiar with Deep Learning.
    • Tutorial written in Jupyter Notebook
    • Translate tutorial_jp.lisp into English
    • Visualized Explanation of cl-waffe2 (should i make a slide?)
    • I think deftrainer usage should be much more documented, because it is unique and complicated.

We need to simplify the list of instructions needed for backend extensions:

Cheat sheet for backend extension

A backend which is completely separated from the standard implementation can be established by implementing all of the following instructions:

;; Arithmetic
AddNode SubNode MulNode DivNode
ScalarAdd ScalarSub ScalarMul ScalarDiv

;; [TODO] should be reduced to =>
AddNode SubNode MulNode DivNode
;; Matrix Transformation

MoveTensorNode but JITxxxBackend dedicated to arithmetic ops for fast permute computation.
;; Mathematical Functions
SinNode CosNode TanNode ...
;; Logical Operations
;; Neural Network specialized instructions


To put it bluntly, instructions needs to be reimplemented are divided to three types:

  • CFFI Interface Binding (generated by call-with-view)

    • BLAS APIS (axpy, gemm etc...)
    • CFFI Interface like cl-bmas
  • JIT Backend Extension just following the instruction of solve-loop-order

    • Example: JITCPUTensor
    • almost 300 line JIT compiler works enough, just used to optimize the layout of memory. Example: JITCPUTensor
  • Device-specific (Neural Network) operations

    • e.g.: Im2Col, Col2Im ReLUNode(optional)

Our goal is: just 1000 line CUDA Extension