
[Fix] Some specifications on Subscript DSL should be changed in the future release

hikettei opened this issue · 1 comments

Current problems (as far as I know) in Subscript DSL is the following:

Difficulty in expressing complicated transmission states

	   :where (Input[N C_in H_in W_in] -> Output[N C_out H_out W_out]
			   C_in  = in-channels
			   C_out = out-channels
			   ;; H_out = floor(((H_in + 2 * padding[0] - dilation[0] * (kernel_size[0] - 1) - 1) / stride[0]) + 1)
			   H_out = (if (numberp H_in) ;; If H_in is a symbol, return -1 (=undetermined, later determined.)
				       (floor (+ 1 (/ (+ H_in (* 2 (car padding)) (* (- (car dilation)) (- (car kernel-size) 1)) -1)
						      (car stride))))
			   ;; W_out = floor(((W_in + 2 * padding[1] - dilation[1] * (kernel_size[1] - 1) - 1) / stride[1]) + 1)
			   W_out = (if (numberp W_in)
				       (floor (+ 1 (/ (+ W_in (* 2 (second padding)) (* (- (second dilation)) (- (second kernel-size) 1)) -1)
						      (second stride))))

(at https://github.com/hikettei/cl-waffe2/blob/master/source/nn/conv.lisp#L76)

Since both Convolution and Pooling have too complicated transmission states to express lazily, the :where form returns -1 (can't predict) when the result won't become an integer. This ugly behaviour should be fixed in the future release, but I don't have any idea.

The implementation is ugly

Should be refactored: https://github.com/hikettei/cl-waffe2/blob/master/source/vm/nodes/shape.lisp

Polish generated Shape-Error

(At https://github.com/hikettei/cl-waffe2/blob/master/source/vm/nodes/shape-error.lisp)

Shaping-Error should be more pinpoint, In fact, it is possible to make it easy to know where should be fixed, and at which node the error occurred.

This issue is integrated to #132