
Support for non-JSON format messages

batmule opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to parse data from a sensor that sends "raw values", like:
sensors/temperature/28E66D1B000000D4 23.4375

It does not look like that format is supported, or am I missing something? Is JSON the only supported payload format?


More detail:
2021-07-10T14:36:42+02:00 debug metrics/ingest.go:42 Got message {"topic": "sensors/temperature/28EEE3D31F1602D6", "payload": "18.1250"}


if the metrics are pure numbers you might be interested in the metrics_per_topic_config like in the shelly config: https://github.com/hikhvar/mqtt2prometheus/blob/master/hack/shelly.yaml

In your case I think the correct config is:

  server: tcp://mosquitto:1883
  topic_path: sensors/+/+
  device_id_regex: "sensors/+/(?P<deviceid>.*)"
    metric_name_regex: "sensors/(?P<metricname>.*)/(?P<deviceid>.*)"
  qos: 0
  timeout: 24h
  - prom_name: temperature
    # The name of the metric in a MQTT JSON message
    mqtt_name: temperature
    # The prometheus help text for this metric
    help: shelly temperature reading
    # The prometheus type for this metric. Valid values are: "gauge" and "counter"
    type: gauge

This feature is rather new and undocumented :-( I currently don't have to time to document this.

This works very nice. Thanks for the quick reply!
(After changing '+' to '.*' in device_id_regex)

For other users:
I have the topics:

  • sensors/mq135/DEVICEID
  • sensors/temperature/DEVICEID
  • sensors/humidity/DEVICEID
  • sensors/pressure/DEVICEID

Each have the raw reading as the message content,
i.e.: sensors/temperature/28:80:66:1B:00:00:00:D5 28.4375

Output from mqtt2prometheus (seen from the servername:9641/metrics page) is now of the form:
batmule_temperature_celsius{sensor="28:80:66:1B:00:00:00:D5",topic="sensors/temperature/28:80:66:1B:00:00:00:D5"} 28.375 1626263444138

The metrics part of my config looks like:

  - prom_name: batmule_temperature_celsius
    mqtt_name: temperature
    help: Temperature reading in deg C
    type: gauge
  - prom_name: batmule_pressure_Pa
    mqtt_name: pressure
    help: Pressure reading in Pa
    type: gauge
  - prom_name: batmule_humidity_percent
    mqtt_name: humidity
    help: Humidity reading in percent
    type: gauge
  - prom_name: batmule_airquality_number
    mqtt_name: mq135
    help: Air quality metric
    type: gauge