
No audio in some downloaded videos

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No audio in some downloaded videos

I am facing the same issue. Have you found any solution for this? It's urgent!

The same is happening here.

What I discovered is that the audio is available as a separate file.

I don't know how well it will turn out, but I am going to try to make a video of my own where I sync both together.

I have a couple of different apps that I can attempt this with.


InShot makes an app called YouCut that synced the video and audio tracks extremely well.

It is also very, very simple to use.

It is not FOSS, however, and it has ads.
I just use a firewall to block internet access for the app, and I get no ads with it.

There also is no watermark, so that is also a plus.

Let me know if you have issues.

The same is happening here.

What I discovered is that the audio is available as a separate file.

I don't know how well it will turn out, but I am going to try to make a video of my own where I sync both together.

I have a couple of different apps that I can attempt this with.

How to put the separated video and audio into a new video.
Did you find a solution.

The solution for me was to use an app called YouCut.

When you are downloading videos, sometimes the audio is on a different file.
You must download the video and audio files separately.

Find the video file in your file manager app, and share it to the YouCut app.

Once it has been imported, you can use the add feature to include the audio file.

I have noticed that some videos sync best when the audio file is added about 4 tenths of a second from the beginning of the video file.