
The difference between online and offline version

JCZ404 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, Thanks for such great work! I noticed that you implemented the offline ACT by the labelmatch_hooks, but in the configs of the online version, there still exists the 'LabelMatchHook' config. I wonder if this config of LabelMatchHook needs to be deleted in the online version. More precisely, to delete the part about evaluating with the unlabeled data and then update the threshold.

The LabelMatchHook is only used as initialization in online version. (The update_interval = total_iter + 1 in online version)

But the "LabelMatchHook" seems also exists in the config of the offline version, is there any difference? The only difference is the update_interval, and when setting the update_interval = total_iter + 1, the update offline will be turned off, right?

offline: we use the LabelMatchHook to update our thresholds every 1000 iters.
online: the LabelMatchHook only used before training to get the inital thresholds.
update_interval means the interval to call this LabelMatchHook.

Ok, I got it, thanks a lot.