
Fork/clone this repository.

run python3 to download dependencies.

Compile for Desktop

cd desktop

cmake . (only the first time, and everytime you add new files)

make -j8 (-j8 tells the compiler to use 8 threads)

cd ..


Compile for HTML/Web

NOTE: install Emscripten first

cd html

emconfigure cmake . (only the first time, and everytime you add new files)

make -j8

emrun out/game.html

Configure GitHub build & deploy automation

This repository contains a Github Workflow which automates the building and deploying of the HTML game to GitHub Pages.

This workflow can be found in .github/workflows/html_build.yml and in the Actions tab on GitHub.

This workflow will require a secret access token in order to deploy your game to GitHub pages.

Steps to add the secret access token:

  • Go to your account settings on GitHub
  • Go to 'Developer settings' -> 'Personal access tokens'
  • Click 'Generate new token'
  • Create a token with the 'repo' scope
  • Copy the access token
  • Go to 'Secrets' in your repository's settings
  • Add a new secret with the name 'ACCESS_TOKEN' and paste the token in the text field
  • Trigger the workflow (by commiting something for example) and the game should appear on https://*your-username**your-repo-name*/game.html